Occupational therapy

Function First Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation Services is committed to not only meeting,

but exceeding your needs and expectations.

I offer in-person and virtual treatment sessions in the community, as well as province-wide telehealth/video access.

Mental Health Services

  • Community Activation

    Injury, illness, chronic pain, poor sleep and various health conditions can significantly impact your physical, cognitive, and mental health functions. I can help address your challenges in daily living activities at home, school, or work. Together, we can work towards improving your functional strength, balance, stamina, attention, concentration, memory, pacing, organization, planning ability, and mental well-being. Success is attainable in all areas, and I am here to support you in achieving your goals.

  • Return to Work Support

    Experiencing time off work due to an unforeseen injury or illness? I specialize in job demands analysis, return to work planning, employer consultation, case management, and removing physical, cognitive, and mental health barriers. I can work alongside your doctor, physiotherapist, clinical counselor, or psychologist to help you overcome workplace obstacles and achieve a positive return to work outcome.

  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy

    As a trained and certified occupational therapist in prolonged exposure therapy (PE), I work with individuals who have experienced trauma and are struggling with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders. PE involves helping clients gradually confront and process traumatic memories and experiences, and while it can be challenging, it is highly effective in improving quality of life. If you are a mental health provider, client, or family member seeking referral, please feel free to contact me directly.

Physical Health Services

  • Seniors Safety - Aging In Place

    I can help ensure the health, safety, and wellness of your beloved elderly family member(s) through an aging in place consultation. I will conduct a comprehensive assessment of their physical, mental, and cognitive functioning and devise detailed recommendations to address identified areas of concern, which may include: falls prevention, rehabilitation maintenance, personal care supports, housekeeping services, companionship aides, meal management resources, transportation services, assistive technology, and environmental modifications. I can also assist you in navigating the public healthcare system and addressing day-to-day challenges. If necessary, I can connect you with accessibility contractors, adaptive equipment specialists, and home care physiotherapists. I will customize the assessment plan to meet your loved ones' unique needs.

  • Accessibility & Equipment Prescription

    As an occupational therapist certified by the Canadian Home Builders' Association (CHBA), I have extensive training in universal design. I can help you transition smoothly home after a hospital discharge, recommend adaptive equipment, and identify any necessary home modifications or vehicle adaptations for improved accessibility. My priority is to address your health needs, ensuring your safety and independence. I can assist with BC RAHA/HAFI applications and provide funding justification documentation for insurance providers, government agencies, or extended health benefits. Reach out to me if you require assistance with adaptive aides or mobility device funding. Let me help you enjoy being back home with peace of mind.

  • Office Ergonomic Assessment

    Experiencing discomfort from prolonged computer work? I am qualified to help with workstation setup, pain management, and ergonomic equipment recommendations. Individual and group consultations are available.

At Function First Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation Services, I offer Case Management Services for clients with long-term physical and mental health concerns. I provide comprehensive assessments, personalized care plans, ongoing support, and advocacy. My services ensure coordinated care by collaborating with healthcare providers and other professionals. I welcome referrals from family members, agencies, and legal firms. Contact me today to learn more about how I can support your needs.

case management services

Frequently Asked questions (Faq’S)


What does an occupational therapy consultation look like?

First, I will perform an assessment where you will be asked questions about how your illness or injury has affected your life. This can be completed either in-person or virtually through a secure only platform. After having identified the barriers that are preventing you from achieving your goals, we will collaboratively prioritize the issues and address your goals in order of importance - starting with the ones that matter most to you or are most disabling. Together, we will explore solutions to restore your functional independence, safety, mental well-being, and improve quality of life.

How do I determine if occupational therapy services are right for me?

Let's start with a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation to discuss your concerns and determine how I can best support you. You do not need a doctor's referral to access my services. I am also available to answer any questions you might have.

What is the cost for an occupational therapy consultation and treatment? Is direct billing available?

Function First Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation Services offers direct billing options for ICBC, Veterans Affairs Canada, RCMP members (Medavie Blue Cross), and Long Term Disability insurance carriers. I am an approved provider for these funding agencies. If you have extended health benefits, you can check if your carrier covers occupational therapy services. Private pay services are also available, with tailored packages and hourly rates. Standard travel time costs apply.

Where is your clinic located?

Occupational therapy services can be provided in various settings. I can meet you in your home, workplace, neighborhood, or a public space. Alternatively, we can have secure virtual meetings in a professional online office. The delivery format, whether in-person, virtual, or hybrid, will depend on the specific assessment or treatment program required.

How do I book an appointment?

During our initial consultation call or email correspondence, we can book our first appointment together. For your ease and convenience, online booking is available for subsequent sessions.

I am interested in occupational therapy services. What happens next?

Click on "Book Now" below. You will be directed to a page where you can provide your basic contact information. Feel free to include any comments or additional information in the message box that would be helpful for me to know. I will respond to your request within one business day. For a smooth experience, it is also recommended that you complete the “Self-Intake Form” on the booking page to join the clinic's waitlist.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at (236) 509-5092