Occupational Therapy Services

(In-Person or Telehealth Available)

Return To Work Programs

  • Evaluating job sites, analyzing physical and cognitive job demands, identifying risk factors in work environments, and assessing functional capacity in order to organize, develop, and monitor individualized graduated return to work plans

  • Services may include consultation with the employer, insurer, as well as communication with health care providers (family physician, physiotherapist, clinical counsellor) to facilitate a successful and sustainable return to work outcome

Ergonomic Assessments

  • Optimizing ergonomics in the home and work setting to reduce symptoms of repetitive strain or musculoskeletal disorders, manage pain, improve comfort, and increase work productivity / efficiency

  • Recommendations may include facilitating use of proper body mechanics (correct postures) and / or implementing ergonomic equipment to improve office or industrial work station set-up

Home Safety & Accessibility

  • Maximizing safety and independence in the home environment (private home / supportive housing / assisted living / long-term residential care) through implementing fall prevention strategies, personal care support recommendations and / or facilitating structural modifications to enable wheelchair or disability access

  • Examples: grab bars, hand rails, ceiling track lifts, door widening, flooring replacement, wheelchair under sink access, threshold ramps, stair lifts, elevators, barrier free shower, assistive technology, home support service hours etc.

Wheelchair, Mobility Devices & Adaptive Aids

  • Identifying medically required mobility aides and / or adaptive safety equipment to prevent skin breakdown, improve or sustain function, and promote safety and independence

  • Examples: walkers, manual or power wheelchairs, medical grade cushions and mattresses, bed and heel positioning devices, adjustable electric beds, lift chairs, scooters, commodes, transfer boards, floor to ceiling pools, raised toilet seats, bath lifts, tub benches, mechanical lifts, vehicle modifications etc.

Symptom Management Education

  • Equipping clients with community resources, symptom management education and coping strategies

  • Interventions: managing post-concussion symptoms, chronic pain, pacing, brain fog, stress, anxiety, cognitive restructuring, and post covid-19 long term functional recovery

Community Living Skills & Reintegration

  • Providing goal-orientated rehabilitation treatment programs to restore independent functioning at home, community, school, and work following an illness or serious injury (musculoskeletal / orthopedic injury, repetitive strain, spinal cord, amputation, brain injury, post covid-19 recovery)

  • Interventions: post hospital discharge surgical rehabilitation and recovery, palliative care, home structured graded activity programs, life skills retraining, behavioural activation, exposure therapy, independence with ADLs / IADLs, and community participation in meaningful activities including leisure and volunteering